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Evolution into Marketing Solution Company (MSC)
Our company motto is “Being a company trusted by society. Doing business cleanly, correctly and beautifully.”
Since its founding, we have provided products and services based on peace of mind and trust, and have contributed to the development of the industry as a pioneer of mail-order companies.
In recent years, under the ” Direct Marketing Conglomerate (DMC) Strategy”, we have steadily promoted various reforms and investments for the sustainable growth of the company, and established a strong and stable management and business foundation.
Currently, the world is transforming at an amazingly fast pace due to technological innovation and the diversification of people’s values.
Even in a great uncertain period, to continue to grow sustainably, SCROLL Group will promote our business as a group so that we will help enrich your life.
The environment surrounding the Group continues to face a difficult situation with the pace of expansion of the e-commerce and mail-order market slowing down and competition intensifying across industries and business categories as the number of entrants increases.
In this environment, we have formulated a medium-term management plan, “Marketing Solution 2026 – From DMSC to MSC”, which will start in FY2024.
Under the theme of evolving into “Marketing Solution Company (MSC)”, We will take on the challenge of expanding the marke, break out of our existing shell and evolve into a new corporate entity without sticking to the direct marketing market (D) as we have done in the past.
We will work on to return to growth trajectory by revising our business portfolio and and promotion of effective Responsibility management.
Toward the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding, We will also strive to realize both sustainable corporate growth and a sustainable society.
President Tomohisa Tsurumi